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APJ 20 Strategy

APJ 20 Strategy


The strategy seeks to achieve superior absolute returns with below-average risk over a horizon of 5 years. The thematic approach focuses on sectors that will benefit from the next stage of India’s growth on the back of improvement in India’s economic and policy climate. APJ 20 invests in firms that have evolved and are in a ripe position to benefit from such growth prospects.

Investment Approach

We believe that select participants in industries such as (a) agriculture, (b) speciality chemicals, (c) mining, (d) hi tech manufacturing and (e) infrastructure will see a new wave of growth over the next 5 years and will be a direct beneficiary of India’s macro policy initiatives as well as inherent demographic strengths it has built over a period of time.

Over the years, each of the target sectors has built a niche set competencies that have bordered on being disruptive. This has translated to them enjoying a quasi-oligopolistic status in their industry. However, these developments in absolute terms are at a small number. The evolution of the end user industry is such that, this base is poised to experience high growth and operating advantage over the next few years. In other words, each of these firms, have a high inbuilt option to participate in a disproportionate pay off. Our endeavour is to participate with concentrated positions across sectors that will be a direct or proxy beneficiary of the growth in the specified industries. While our study of the opportunities reveals the underlying and obvious risks that could play out in future, we believe the risk reward equation is favourable to an equity investor at current valuations considering the next 5 years’ potential growth.


The strategy ’s primary source of investment ideas will come from firms within industries that are a proxy to the following industries: (a) agriculture, (b) speciality chemicals, (c) mining, (d) hi tech manufacturing and (e) infrastructure. The investee companies would necessarily be one that has built a niche for itself over the years and is set to leverage on the same to deliver a pace of return that is disproportionate on the upside, in the coming years.

Investment risks

The key risk is a sustained under performance in all or select components of the Indian economy which will then automatically slow down the pace of growth of our investment universe as well. Also, risks may emanate from adverse policy climate or regulations that may affect the operations of the industry as such. In addition, the micro level risks include:

  • Inability to grow revenues in sync with expectations previously communicated and thought reasonable
  • Change in the macro industry structure due to which margins may come under cloud
  • Wrong full capital allocation across capital expenditure or expensive acquisitions
  • Change in business strategy/management behaviour that are at odds with prior communication
  • Governance issues

Portfolio Structure

Unifi’s core competency lies in conducting deep bottom-up fundamental -oriented research to curate client portfolios. Basis our investment philosophy, our portfolio construction framework prioritizes a balanced mix of stocks across sectors based on our investment thesis and conviction, ensuring adequate diversification amongst such quality businesses. The portfolio’s concentration at any time purely reflects our sectoral or stock-specific investment thesis. While maintaining responsible diversification by limiting company/sector level exposure is an important priority, we do not have rigid allocations. When we evaluate a business, we are not biased about its market capitalization but are concerned more about the size of opportunity that the business can offer. Hence, our portfolios are generally market cap agnostic.

Our typical portfolios endeavor a good balance between diversification and concentrated exposure. We periodically review the portfolios to maintain an appropriate portfolio mix depending upon investment objective, market conditions, risk tolerance and liquidity requirement to ensure diversification.

Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 TRI
